What is the Hawai'i Innocence Project's Policy on Media Inquiries?

The Hawai'i Innocence Project (HIP) is devoted to freeing wrongfully convicted individuals, reforming policies that lead to wrongful convictions, and educating the public on the importance of avoiding such injustices. To guarantee that their message is heard, HIP has enlisted the help of Spitfire to develop their internal strategic communication capacity and make sure that their use of communications is effective and in line with their organization's objectives. Through a series of interviews with management and staff members, Spitfire evaluated the workflows and capabilities of all departments and made recommendations to enhance the programmatic objectives of HIP and the position of organizations in the field of criminal justice. HIP adopted Spitfire's recommendations and is now implementing them to align their policy objectives, communication efforts, and litigation strategies. As part of these recommendations, Spitfire also organized in-person training with program directors and the communication team to achieve a shared understanding of strategic communications and why achieving changes in policies, fundraising, and behavior is essential to HIP's mission.

Spitfire continues to work with the communication team to provide a rapid response to requests and outreach activities for the press, as well as training media and spokespersons. More recently, the team conducted in-person interviews and briefed key journalists on media regarding exonerations of important wrongful conviction cases, such as Huwe Burton and Michael Chaney. These cases focused on different examples of wrongful convictions, including the use of “junk science” and false confessions. Obtaining valid consent will generally require an affirmative answer from the client or another person. In general, a lawyer cannot take for granted the consent of a client or other person to silence. However, consent can be inferred from the conduct of a customer or other person who has reasonably adequate information about the matter.

A number of rules require that the customer's consent be confirmed in writing. See Rules 1.7 (b) and 1.9 (a) of these Rules. For a written definition and written confirmation, see Rules 1.0 (o) and 1.0 (b) of these Rules, respectively. Other rules require that the customer's consent be obtained in writing signed by the customer. See Rules 1, 8 (a), and (g) of these Rules.

For a definition of signed, see Rule 1.0 (o) of these Rules. The Texas Innocence Project exists to free wrongfully convicted people, reform policies that jail the innocent, and educate the public to push for lasting change. Follow the progress of the case, publish news about 26% exemptions and organizational updates from HIP. Through the work of volunteers, lawyers, and law students, HIP strives not only to exonerate the innocent but also to reform the judicial system to prevent innocent people from being convicted of crimes they did not commit. When it comes to media inquiries about HIP's policy on wrongful convictions, they are committed to providing accurate information in a timely manner. HIP has trained media personnel who are available to answer questions about their mission, cases they are working on, exonerations they have achieved, as well as any other relevant information related to wrongful convictions. HIP also encourages members of the media to sign up for their email list so they can stay up-to-date on all news related to wrongful convictions.

By signing up for their email list, members will receive emails with ways they can help prevent wrongful convictions. Additionally, by entering their phone number into HIP's system they agree to receive periodic text messages from them.

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